
7 • Lack of specific skills related to persona branding Networking According to the Needs Analysis survey, artists have weak or average networks at a local level. All of these networks are considered non-formal. However, they highlighted the importance of widening and strengthening their existing networks to increase the possibility of finding new channels for selling their art. This also highlighted a need to be better informed about public funding possibilities and innovative trainings. Regarding media networking tools for cultural promotion, artists tend to use Facebook and Instagram on a daily basis. In comparison, Pluggy, Hootsuite, Enloop, Blender, Tweet for a Track and YLMP were unknown to the majority of artists involved in the survey. Accordingly, artists expressed the following training needs and skill gaps: • Lack of knowledge related to innovative networking tools and cultural promotion platforms such as Hootsuite, artists on the way and Patreon • Lack of knowledge of tools to monitor the various cultural promotion activities implemented • Lack of knowledge on how to efficiently network • Need to identify and plan a strategy on how to use social networks and/or other promotional activities Training courses in the field – what already exists and what is still needed Taking into consideration the results of the Desk research carried out in partner countries, we can state that in many partner countries there are training courses, workshops, events, podcasts and coaching/mentoring opportunities in the field of business start-up and business management. However, in most cases, they are not focused on the cultural and artistic sector, but they are addressed to all those who want to acquire entrepreneurial skills (however, in some cases these are addressed to artists). In certain countries, these opportunities are offered for free. Meanwhile in others, they have a cost, however, even if they are funded by public or private sources, they are not necessarily offered on a continuous basis but instead, on the availability of fundings. Regarding the digital field, there are just a few training courses focusing on marketing tools and strategies for cultural organisations, therefore we can state that there is a lack of support for artists regarding innovative tools for cultural promotion. Proposed structure and content of learning and training material According to the findings of the Focus Group discussions, the Needs Analysis survey and the Desk research carried out across the partner countries we propose the following structure and core topics to be included in the BidToArt blended-learning course: Module 1. How to create a business plan related to cultural promotion